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To study whether the power turbine casing of Gas-Engine Driven Compressor Set meets the requirements of strength reserve, based on the local analysis method,characteristic factors such as temperature load and pneumatic load are considered. A thermo-mechanical coupling model of the power turbine is established,and the deformation and stress distribution of the casing are analyzed.The research shows that the the maximum stress of the power turbine casing is 379.6 MPa and meets the requirements of design strength reserve. Temperature is the main factor affecting the deformation and stress of power turbine casing.
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金虫 (正式写手)



爱与雨下: 金币+1 2018-11-25 16:49:05
To study whether the power turbine casing of Gas-Engine Driven Compressor Set meets the requirements of strength reserve, we establish a thermo-mechanical coupling model of the power turbine based on the local analysis method considering characteristic factors such as temperature and pneumatic load. The deformation and stress distribution of the casing are analyzed. The research result shows that the maximum stress of the power turbine casing is 379.6 MPa, meeting the requirements of design strength reserve. In addition, temperature is found to be the main factor affecting the deformation and stress of power turbine casing.

2楼2018-11-23 14:01:34
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