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[求助] 投稿被拒,编辑建议我投Australian Journal of zoology,我是否应该采纳他的建议?已有2人参与

     I have now had the opportunity to examine your manuscript. After careful consideration, I must inform you that your manuscript is not suitable for publication in the journal as it is not a good fit to the journal's scope. Please note that this is not a reflection of the quality of the science, but simply an assessment that Wildlife Research may not be the most suitable journal for the initial submission of the paper.

     Given the focus of your paper, it may be more suited to one of our sister journals, Australian Journal of Zoology(www.publish.csiro.au/?nid=90), which you may like to consider.

    I am sorry I cannot bring better news, but I thank you for considering Wildlife Research for the publication of your research.  I hope the outcome of this specific submission will not discourage you from the submission of future manuscripts.
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7楼2018-10-24 10:18:32
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