24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] 德国柏林DESY暨波茨坦大学天体物理方向招收博士, 硕士, 本科生夏季实习(长期有效)

德国DESY(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Zeuthen研究所位于历史名城柏林南郊,主要研究方向之一为天体物理。研究人员来自世界各地,国际交流频繁。Prof. Huirong Yan研究方向为理论天体物理中 (1) Cosmic Ray Acceleration and Transport (2) MHD turbulence,(3)Plasma Instabilities,(4)Solar flares, space physics,(5) Supernova Remnants, GRBs,(6) Astrophysical Magnetic Field and Atomic Alignment,(7)Interstellar Dust Dynamics, etc. 以上研究长期招聘博士生。一经录取,学制为三年,将按照研究所官方标准提供奖学金,足够涵盖学生在德国的生活费用。

(1)        申请人本科或硕士毕业于物理或天文专业,需要较好的理论物理和数学背景。
(2)        申请人通常需要硕士或相关学位,极其优秀的本科生可以破格。
(3)        德语非必须,但要求英语良好,具备足够的学术和日常英文交流能力。
(4)        申请人个人英文简历。
(5)        申请人本科及硕士成绩单,主要专业课成绩。
(6)        申请人的英文个人陈述,阐述学习及工作经历,对研究的期许及感兴趣的研究方向。

Prof. Huirong Yan同时为波茨坦大学物理天文系的终身正教授(W3 Professor)。波茨坦大学天文系提供英语的硕士课程,学费全免,毕业者可以获得波茨坦大学的硕士学位。如果申请人最终学历为本科,可以考虑先申请该硕士课程。如果申请人愿意在硕士毕业后继续在Prof. Huirong Yan研究组里继续从事博士研究工作,可考虑在申请人硕士学习期间提供一定的经济资助。


本研究室同时欢迎公派留学博士研究生及访问学者 。

PhD scholarships in Theoretical/Plasma Astrophysics

Field of Interest: astro-ph
Region: Europe
Job description:
We invite applications for a PhD fellowship in plasma astrophysics/cosmic ray physics. The successful applicant will join the research group led by Prof. Huirong Yan at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) and University of Potsdam working on topics involving astrophysical magnetic field, turbulence, and cosmic rays. The starting date can be as early as Dec. 1st, 2018. The purpose of the fellowships is research training leading to the successful completion of PhD degree at the Uni Potsdam.

As one of Germany’s largest research centres, DESY carries out fundamental research in various areas including astroparticle physics. The Institute for Physics & Astronomy at University of Potsdam supports a broad range of research in observational and theoretical astrophysics. It has close links with the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), and the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in addition to DESY that sponsors the PhD fellowships.

Requirements: The candidates should hold a Master degree in physics or astrophysics. Desired skills include training in plasma physics and/or astrophysics, in written documentation of scientific work, such as a Master thesis or publications. Programming skills and numerical experience are considered an asset. Proficient command of the English language is mandatory.

Application documents should be in one pdf file including the following documents: CV, degree certificates and transcript of records, a description of the applicant’s research interests and experience as well as the contact information of three references. Applications should be sent directly to huirong.yan@desy.de. Applications submitted by Nov. 5th will receive full considerations.

Contact: Huirong Yan
Email: huirong.yan@desy.de
More Information: http://www.uni-potsdam.de/astroparticle/plasma-astrophysics.html
Letters of Reference should be sent to: huirong.yan@desy.de
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