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[交流] [REPOST] 香港城市大学生物医学系黎月明博士课题组诚招博士后/研究助理

RECRUITMENT: Postdoc/ Research Assistant Positions in Biomedical Sciences in Dr. Minh LE’s lab at City University of Hong Kong

香港城市大学生物医学系黎月明博士课题组现诚招2名博士后及2名科研助理,其研究方向为基于红细胞胞外囊泡(red blood cell extracellular vesicles)的抗肿瘤药物递送新技术。我们欢迎毕业于世界排名前100之高校并有相关学科背景的博士/硕士/学士持有人前来申请。申请人应具备良好英语能力及相关科研经验。博士后申请人应在分子/细胞生物学领域具备相当科研实力并于生命科学类知名期刊发表论著。我们将提供极有竞争力的薪资与福利待遇。

关于课题组的更多详情,请浏览课题组网站 https://lelabcityu.wordpress.com 。

有意者请将简历以电子邮件形式传送予黎博士 mle.bms@cityu.edu.hk 。

The Le Lab at City University of Hong Kong is looking for 2 postdoctoral fellows and 2 research assistants to work on a new drug delivery platform for cancer treatment based on extracellular vesicles from red blood cells. We welcome candidates with PhD, master's or bachelor's degrees in relevant disciplines from the top 100 universities in the world to apply for the positions. Candidates should be fluent in English and experienced in research. Postdoc candidates should have a strong background in molecular cell biology and publications in well known Life sciences journals. Competitive salaries and benefits will be provided.

For more information about our lab, please visit our website

Interested candidates please contact Dr Minh Le at mle.bms@cityu.edu.hk with your CV.
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新虫 (小有名气)

2楼2018-11-07 09:09:40
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新虫 (初入文坛)

继续招聘,科研背景优秀,研究方向合适的都欢迎咨询,学校最好是但不限于世界排名前100(science or engineering subject ranking)。微信tulipsweixi。也可以直接发邮件给老师咨询:mle.bms@cityu.edu.hk
RA must have a BSc or master degree from a University in Hong Kong. For postdoc candidates, they must have a PhD from Hong Kong or from oversea Universities in the top 100 according to science or engineering subject ranking. The salary for postdoc can be up to 32,000 HKD per month.
3楼2018-12-10 11:46:29
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新虫 (初入文坛)

2楼: Originally posted by whb5866408 at 2018-11-07 09:09:40

不是说总排名, according to science or engineering subject ranking。当然如果科研背景很优秀也可以考虑。
4楼2018-12-10 11:48:47
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