24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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金虫 (小有名气)

[交流] 美国Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF)招收访问学者、访问学生

美国俄克拉荷马医学研究基金会(Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation)招收公派研究生和访问学者

          美国俄克拉荷马医学研究基金会Pengchun Yu博士实验室诚招公派研究生和访问学者。Pengchun Yu博士新近完成了其在美国耶鲁大学的博士后研究,加入俄克拉荷马医学研究基金会的心血管研究中心(Cardiovascular Biology Research Program)担任助理教授,其实验室于2018年11月正式开始运行。Yu博士的实验室致力于研究细胞代谢在血管发育、再生以及在相关心血管疾病中的作用。实验室综合使用小鼠遗传学、细胞生物学、生物化学、代谢组学以及转录组学的相关技术来回答领域内一系列的前沿问题。实验室条件优越,能够为加入的公派研究生和访问学者提供充足的研究资源和一流的科研训练。
          俄克拉荷马医学研究基金会(Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation),简称OMRF,成立于1946年,是一所独立的、非营利性的高水平生物医学研究机构。研究所主要致力于心血管疾病、癌症、自身免疫性疾病和老年痴呆等重大疾病的基础和转化医学研究。OMRF拥有超过700项美国和国际专利,并以部分专利技术为基础成立了11个生物技术公司。OMRF研究实力强劲、拥有完善的科研平台和支撑体系,包括Clinical Genomics Center、Human Phenotyping Core、Gnotobiotic Mouse Core、Quantitative Analysis Core等,能够为前沿科学研究的开展提供充分的技术支持和保障。OMRF位于俄克拉何马城(Oklahoma City)。俄克拉何马城是美国俄克拉荷马州的首府和第一大城市。在那里不仅可以体会到州府城市的大都会生活,如精致的饮食、顶级的艺术表演、NBA著名球队雷霆队的精彩比赛等,还可以感受到浓厚的西部牛仔风情。

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  • 附件 1 : Recruitment_Visiting_Students_and_Scholars.pdf
  • 2018-08-20 14:40:25, 35.32 K

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金虫 (小有名气)

Research Opportunities in Vascular Biology and Disease

The laboratory of Dr. Pengchun Yu in the Cardiovascular Biology Research Program at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF) is seeking visiting scholars and students to investigate the metabolic regulation of vascular formation and its implications in vascular diseases.

The laboratory, which will formally open in November 2018, will focus on the interface between cellular metabolism and vascular biology. Dr. Yu has recently demonstrated that MYC/hexokinase 2 pathway-driven glucose metabolism in endothelial cells controls blood and lymphatic vessel formation (Yu et al., Nature, 2017). Research projects of the laboratory will be built upon this important finding to further study the crosstalk between metabolic programs and angiogenic signaling events and to understand the involvement of cellular metabolism in the pathogenesis of vascular diseases. Multidisciplinary strategies will be employed, ranging from novel genetically-modified mouse models to cutting-edge systems biology tools including metabolomics and single-cell transcriptome analysis.

OMRF is an independent, nonprofit biomedical research institute. The innovative basic and translational research at OMRF covers several critical areas such as cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, and cancer. The Cardiovascular Biology Research Program hosts 10 research groups studying various aspects of cardiovascular biology and provides a highly stimulating and collaborative environment. Moreover, OMRF offers state-of-the-art facilities and outstanding core technology laboratories including imaging, next-generation sequencing, and clinical genomics.

Ideal candidates will need to get funded by the China Scholarship Council or other funding agencies and have extensive experience in molecular and cellular biology or animal surgery. Prior experience in cardiovascular biology is not required. The successful applicants will receive first-rate research training and will be strongly encouraged and supported to publish first-author research papers in the laboratory.

Please send your application along with your curriculum vitae to Dr. Pengchun Yu at Pengchun-Yu@omrf.org.

Contact Information:
Pengchun Yu, Ph.D.
Assistant Member/Professor
Cardiovascular Biology Research Program
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
825NE 13th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73104
2楼2018-08-20 14:45:33
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