24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] Openings Available at the Ohio State University(机器学习方向)

The Ning Lab (https://u.osu.edu/ning.104/) at the Biomedical Informatics (BMI) Department and the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department, the Ohio State University, provides unique opportunities and environment for the development of cutting-edge computational methods and the application of such methods in high-impact, real-life medical and health problems. The Ning lab is conducting research on Data Mining, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence with applications in drug discovery, Medical Informatics and Health Informatics. The research in the Lab is highly data-driven, computation-oriented and primarily focused on methodology development. The Lab develops new and better methods/algorithms/models to solve emerging and critical problems in healthcare and medicine domains. The new methodologies being developed in the Lab are also sufficiently generalizable to be applied to the problems from other domains (e.g., eCommerce, social networks, system monitoring and diagnosis) that share similar characteristics as the targeted problems in healthcare and medicine domains. The typical techniques that the Lab develops include information retrieval, learning to rank, recommendation, classification, among others, and are applied to problems such as drug property prediction, compound prioritization, drug selection, pharmacovigilance data mining, electronic medical record analysis, etc. The Lab is not, unfortunately, conducting wet-lab biological research, nor focused on mechanism discovery in the biological systems.\
The Lab currently (as of Aug 1, 2018) has multiple openings for graduate students (Ph.D./M.S.), postdocs and visiting scholars.

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  • 欢迎监督和反馈:小木虫仅提供交流平台,不对该内容负责。
  • 附件 1 : Openings_Available_at_Ning_Lab.pdf
  • 2018-08-06 16:36:14, 76.39 K

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