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[交流] Iowa State University 航空系招收博士生

A research group at Iowa State University is looking for research assistants in the field of solid mechanics, computational mechanics, and computational materials science. Research topics will fall into a broad area of modeling and simulation of mechanical and transport behaviors, such as plasticity, fracture, phase transformation, thermal transport, or mass transport, in a variety of materials.

In particular, self-motivated individuals who have research experience in one or more of the following areas are strongly encouraged to apply for the full-support Ph.D. positions in our group (https://www.aere.iastate.edu/lmxiong/):

Continuum Mechanics
Finite Element Modeling, Atomistic Simulation, first principle calculations
Dislocation Dynamics, Phase Field Method, XFEM, Crystal Plasticity
Multiscale Modeling of Materials

To apply for the position, please submit a single PDF file via email (lmxiong@iastate.edu) with (i) your most recent CV; (ii) a transcript; (iii) relevant research experience or publications if there are any, as well as (iv) a list of references. Please name your file “FirstName.LastName.pdf”.
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