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新虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] Random Writing Practice

After the American Civil War in the 1980s, Americans went through a Second Industrial Revolution, including the development of railroads. It was well known that many Chinese immigrants that came to America worked as railroad builders. However, while the Americans could trace their lineage (血统)back to the Europeans and felt that they had much more similarities with the European immigrants, they consistently isolated the Chinese Americans.

Now here is my question for you: Do you think a person’s lineage is that powerful in the bonding between people, or is there another factor that overpowers it?

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新虫 (初入文坛)

Sorry, the American Civil War was in the 1800s.

2楼2018-07-14 13:28:18
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新虫 (小有名气)

I think the more intrinsic reason behind isolation is how they look as well as behave. If someone looks like a westerner but is ethnically Chinese, I do not think he/she will be discriminated in the western countries, at least at the first sight when he/she encounters a westerner. Of course, the lineage fundamentally determines our looks. On the other hand, if someone behave well and is alway willing to help others, the discrimination may disappear.

In fact, apart from racial discrimination, there are a variety of other discriminations in our society. For example, it is common to see that someone who is short in height, fat, or bad looking, is often looked down by his/her peers.
To be perfectly imperfect
3楼2018-07-14 19:33:11
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版主 (正式写手)

the answers are likely the reasons for discrimination.

[ 发自手机版 http://muchong.com/3g ]
stay low key, work hard, and do your best
4楼2018-07-15 12:20:58
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