24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] How to get more time in the day

2 July 2018   
        Everybody believes they are busy. They have no time. That we need to race through life like te White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. Always running late, never really concentrating on the moment we are in.
Stop multitasking
How to spend time wisely
        The first way to take back control of your time is to stop multitasking. So, it can be quite tempting to read through your presentation while listening to someone else in the office prosing on about the next big idea. Your brain just can’t cope with it. Tackling two tasks in parallel takes 30% longer than if you were doing them sequentially. Even worse, you’ll make twice as many mistakes. Another way to take control of your time is to pick up the phone. These days about 30% of our time in the office is spent on emails. It’s a much more efficient way to communicate by phone because then you can hear what someone else is saying. If they don’t understand you it will readily become apparent. What’s more, when you hear someone else’s voice you feel like you are building a relationship with them. And relationships are the stuff of life and they oil the wheels of business. Because we can do so many things instantly, we lose track of thinking hard about whether they are worth doing in the first place. If you carve out just 10 minutes in the morning to take a pause, go and sit in a café, read a book, change the tone feel like you own your time, and your mood shifts. Perhaps the most powerful way to reclaim your time is to stop and do nothing. Just for a little while.

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