24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] 澳门大学Prof Edwin Cheung课题组招聘

research fellow

postdoctoral research fellow
a postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of edwin cheung, phd, in the faculty of health sciences at university of macau (https://fhs.umac.mo/staff/academic-staff/edwin-cheung/). we are seeking independent and highly motivated candidates with a background in molecular biology, genomics, cancer biology, and chromatin biology. our group’s main interest is to understand the molecular details of nuclear hormone signaling and how these pathways relate to diseases such as cancer. specifically, we are investigating how steroid hormones such as estrogens and androgens regulate the transcriptional activities of nuclear hormone receptors in the context of a chromatin environment. to achieve this, we employ a combination of powerful biological tools, including modern genetic and cell-based techniques (crispr-cas, chip, and fish) and next-generation sequencing approaches (chip-seq, rna-seq, and chia-pet), to define the molecular mechanisms of transcriptional regulation by estrogen and androgen receptors.
candidates should have a phd and/or md in biological sciences with a strong publication record. interested applicants should send a detailed cv and the contact information of three references to: edwin cheung, phd (echeung@umac.mo).

please note only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

澳门大学edwin cheung实验室博士后招聘 澳门大学健康科学学院edwin cheung课题组(https://fhs.umac.mo/staff/academic-staff/edwin-cheung/)招收博士后,信息如下: 研究方向: 应用基因组技术(chip-seq、rna-seq等)及分子生物学技术(rnai、fish等),研究雌激素、雄激素核受体在乳腺癌、列腺癌细胞中的转录调控网络 招聘要求: 生物学、医学、生物信息学或相关领域博士;熟练掌握各项细胞生物学、分子生物学等实验技术(会流式细胞分选者优先),或者生物信息学技术;具备熟练英语阅读与写作能力,以第一作者发表过sci论文。工作认真,有进取心,善于与人沟通和合作。
报名方式:有意者请将个人简历,发表文章列表,研究经历,2-3名推荐人的名字及联系信息,发送至 echeung@umac.mo,个人简历绝对保密。据简历进行初步遴选,并skype视频面试。 澳门消费、生活信息:可参见澳门大学论坛http://www.umacbbs.com/portal.php[ 来自版块群 港澳台 ]

postdoctoral research fellow
a postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of edwin cheung, phd, in the faculty of health sciences at university of macau (https://fhs.umac.mo/staff/academic-staff/edwin-cheung/). we are seeking independent and highly motivated candidates with a background in molecular biology, genomics, cancer biology, and chromatin biology. our group’s main interest is to understand the molecular details of nuclear hormone signaling and how these pathways relate to diseases such as cancer. specifically, we are investigating how steroid hormones such as estrogens and androgens regulate the transcriptional activities of nuclear hormone receptors in the context of a chromatin environment. to achieve this, we employ a combination of powerful biological tools, including modern genetic and cell-based techniques (crispr-cas, chip, and fish) and next-generation sequencing approaches (chip-seq, rna-seq, and chia-pet), to define the molecular mechanisms of transcriptional regulation by estrogen and androgen receptors.
candidates should have a phd and/or md in biological sciences with a strong publication record. interested applicants should send a detailed cv and the contact information of three references to: edwin cheung, phd (echeung@umac.mo).

please note only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

澳门大学edwin cheung实验室博士后招聘 澳门大学健康科学学院edwin cheung课题组(https://fhs.umac.mo/staff/academic-staff/edwin-cheung/)招收博士后,信息如下: 研究方向: 应用基因组技术(chip-seq、rna-seq等)及分子生物学技术(rnai、fish等),研究雌激素、雄激素核受体在乳腺癌、列腺癌细胞中的转录调控网络 招聘要求: 生物学、医学、生物信息学或相关领域博士;熟练掌握各项细胞生物学、分子生物学等实验技术(会流式细胞分选者优先),或者生物信息学技术;具备熟练英语阅读与写作能力,以第一作者发表过sci论文。工作认真,有进取心,善于与人沟通和合作。
报名方式:有意者请将个人简历,发表文章列表,研究经历,2-3名推荐人的名字及联系信息,发送至 echeung@umac.mo,个人简历绝对保密。据简历进行初步遴选,并skype视频面试。 澳门消费、生活信息:可参见澳门大学论坛http://www.umacbbs.com/portal.php澳门大学Prof Edwin Cheung课题组招聘

[ 来自版块群 港澳台 ]

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  • 欢迎监督和反馈:小木虫仅提供交流平台,不对该内容负责。
  • 附件 1 : biologist_job_ad_english_and_chinese_2018.docx
  • 2018-07-05 09:01:28, 17.89 K

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至尊木虫 (著名写手)


2楼2018-07-05 09:04:23
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新虫 (初入文坛)

1楼: Originally posted by linshaoling at 2018-07-05 09:01:31
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Edwin Cheung, PhD, in the Faculty of Health Sciences at University of Macau (https://fhs.umac.mo/staff/academi ...


3楼2018-07-05 17:26:55
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新虫 (初入文坛)

3楼: Originally posted by sk574426 at 2018-07-05 17:26:55

招啊 请看这个贴子 http://muchong.com/t-12451010-1 欢迎您来报名哦 Edwin教授第一、通讯作者身份发表过 Nature PNAS EMBO PLoS Genetics 等高分杂志 挺值得考虑的 目前Prof Edwin明显处于上升期 从招人力度就能看出 欢迎您来报名哦
4楼2018-12-04 21:46:00
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