24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] 澳大利亚 新南威尔士大学 计算机科学与工程系 博士全额奖学金已有1人参与

帮导师发招博士生广告,UNSW计算机scientia scholarship, 每年50000 澳币(40000澳元 生活费+10000澳元travel fund),学费全免,欢迎计算机,通信或者其他专业感兴趣的同学申请。




项目详情及申请链接:https://www.2025.unsw.edu.au/app ... liance-monitoring-1

项目名称: Radio-based Device-free hand hygiene compliance monitoring

项目摘要: Hand hygiene is considered the simplest way to prevent the spread  
of pathogens that can cause cross-infection called healthcare associated  
infections (HAIs). The Center for Diseases Control in USA, the World Health  
Organization (WHO) and industry experts in infection control and  
epidemiology advocate strongly for frequent hand hygiene as the most cost
effective precaution for preventing HAIs. Approximately 200,000 Australian  
patients are infected every year during hospitalisation of whom 25,000-50,
000 will die. The average cost to the nation from HAIs is $8.8-$17.8 billion  
annually. High hand hygiene compliance (HHC) is the simplest method of  
preventing such infections. An HHC reduces HAIs by up to one third and has  
an associated cost savings of up to $5.3 billion and 15,300 fewer  
attributable death.  The current approach to measure HHC relies on human
auditors is expensive and can lead to inflated compliance statistics because  
healthcare workers (HCW) see when they are being audited.
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2楼2018-06-13 23:27:37
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