24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学 Scientia PhD Scholarship ($50,000澳币奖学金)

University of New South Wales,Australia自2015年起推出Strategy 2025,将在10年内将招收700名优秀博士研究生,设立高额奖学金Scientia PhD scholarship,来进一步提升UNSW的科研水准及国际影响力。

化工学院CAMD研究中心Professor Cyrille Boyer和Dr. Jiangtao Xu 2018年有1-2个招收名额,希望化学、材料和生物工程领域的优秀本科生和研究生踊跃报名,截止日期:2018年7月20日。

Scientia PhD Scholarship待遇:

1. 提供全额学费奖学金基础上,再提供每年$40,000 AUD生活费奖学金(共计四年,免税)
2. 在全额学费、生活费奖学金的之外,提供每年$10,000 AUD的餐旅、国际会议等费用 (共计四年,免税)。

Scientia PhD Scholarship申请要求:

1. 国籍、学校不限,有较强的科研基础和训练;


Prof. Boyer: https://research.unsw.edu.au/people/professor-cyrille-andre-boyer
Dr. Xu: https://research.unsw.edu.au/people/dr-jiangtao-jason-xu

附上课题简介(不太懂也没有关系,更看重潜力,能学就行 ^_^):

Next generation of antimicrobial and antifungal agents from synthetic polymers

This project aims to design the next generation of antimicrobial and antifungal agents. In this project, we propose the synthesis and design of polymers with antimicrobial and antifungal properties by mimicking the structure of anti-microbial peptides. Using advanced macromolecular engineering tools, we will build precise functional polymers using a recent polymerization technique and we will investigate their anti-microbial and anti-fungal activities against a broad range of bacteria and fungi. The interactions between the polymers and the bacteria cell and fungi membranes will be investigated. The ideal candidate should have some experience in chemistry or polymer synthesis or in microbiology / biology.


感兴趣的同学,若有疑问请联系Dr Jiangtao Xu (j.xu@unsw.edu.au,可接受中文),或者Prof. Cyrille Boyer (cboyer@unsw.edu.au) , 想申请的请附上个人简历。

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木虫 (著名写手)

8楼: Originally posted by 海之蓝 at 2018-06-04 14:53:17


10楼2018-06-04 20:46:07
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