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[交流] PhD Position @ National University of Singapore

Prof. XIE Jianping would like to recruit a new Ph.D student in January 2019, working on engineering metal nanoclusters for catalytic, energetic and environmental applications. Prof. Xie is an associate professor in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (ChBE), at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He is a leading expert in the fields of synthesis, formation mechanism and biomedical & catalytic applications of noble metal nanoclusters. He has published >130 papers in well-recognized journals like Nat. Commun., JACS, Angew. Chem., Adv. Mater., with an h-index of 53 and field-weighted citation impact of 5.29.

More details about Prof. Xie's group could be found at  

Interested candidates with strong expertise and foundation in nanomaterials, catalysis and biomedicine are encouraged to contact Prof. Xie via email (chexiej@nus.edu.sg). Please attach CV in the email.

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新虫 (初入文坛)

2楼: Originally posted by Forrest_chen at 2018-06-04 12:16:15
So how about the language requirements?

您好,学校规定PhD申请需要提交托福分数(internet-based test: Minimum score of 85 with a minimum score of 22 for the writing section)。不过据我所知学校对语言的要求比较松。如对课题比较感兴趣的话建议您先联系Prof Xie。感谢关注。
4楼2018-06-08 16:49:39
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新虫 (初入文坛)

5楼: Originally posted by 佳熙 at 2018-06-09 18:09:34

具体系里近年招生对英语成绩的尺度我不太清楚,但语言肯定不是主要决定因素。我建议您直接给Prof Xie发邮件沟通看看。谢谢。
7楼2018-06-14 16:15:10
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新虫 (初入文坛)

6楼: Originally posted by lcfseu at 2018-06-09 18:34:19

是的,全奖(research scholarship),目前应该是SGD2000/month, 过了qualifying  examination后SGD2500/month. 您也可以考虑其他奖学金项目(像President's Graduate Fellowship: SGD3000/month), 具体请参看
8楼2018-06-14 16:24:09
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