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Today I am gonna say something about my favorite American dramas. I hadn’t watched much American dramas before college,for I had to get full preparation for the college entrance exam and I didn’t have much leisure time. When I was in college,the internet was available and I got my personal computer given by my uncle for my entrance to a good college. I usually surfed on the internet like anyone else,and I would search for some fascinating movies and TV dramas. I was recommended to watch some American dramas and here came the Friends. To be honest, I didn’t realize how amazing this sitcom was at first,because it was shot over two decades ago and I was not familiar to the culture behind the show. You know,Friends has ten seasons and almost 230 episodes,and it took me several months to finish the TV series. Gradually,I came to know some jokes told by Chandler Bing and learned some American culture by reading or other media. My most favorite character is Chandler Bing, because he is so good at telling jokes and does it in the right moment. The way he speaks always makes me laugh for a long time,like these “could I be more.....or can the report be any later...” sort of sentences. Chandler’s parents divorced when he was young,and his parents are not adequate ones. Growing up in a shattered family and failing to get enough care and love from his parents, he learns to tell jokes to disguise his dearth of love. However,he has grown up to be a caring and kind person,which can be perceived from his love and commitment for Monica.when I watched this series, I thought this guy was the man I wanted to be. My love for this guy grows intense as I grow older. All in all, I love this sitcom and I hope my love for these guys will never change,and I shall express my appreciation for the people who created this wonderful shows. Thanks very much.

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