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银虫 (小有名气)

[求助] 求哪位大神能帮我做一下这道英语六级阅读题。。。。跪求已有1人参与

In the final years before the beginning of the Civil War, the view that the Negro was different, even inferior, was widely held in the United States. At Peoria, Illinois, in October 1854, Abraham Lincoln asked what stand the opponents of slavery should take regarding Negroes.
“Free them, and make them politically and socially our equals? My own feelings will not admit of this; and if mine would, we well know that those of the great mass, of white people will not.
Whether this feeling accords with justice and sound judgement, is not the sole question, if indeed, it is any part of it. A universal feeling, whether well or ill founded, cannot be safely disregarded.
We cannot, then, make them equals.”
The Lincoln statement was clear and direct, and it doubtless represented the views of most Americans in the 1850’s. Most of those who heard him or read his speech were of the same opinion as he. In later years, the Peoria speech would be used by those who taught to damage Lincoln’s reputation as a champion of the rights of the Negro. In 1964, the White Citizens’ Councils reprinted portions of the speech in large advertisements in the daily press and insisted that Lincoln shared their views on the desirability of maintaining two distinct worlds of race.
Lincoln could not have overcome the nation’s strong inclination toward racial separation if he had tried. And he did not try very hard. When he set about forming Negro troops later, he was content not only to set Negroes apart in a unit called “U.S. Colored Troops, “but also to have Negro privates (列兵) receive $10 per month including clothing, while whites of the same rank received $13 per month plus clothing. Only the firm refusal of many Negro troops to accept unequal pay finally forced Congress to equalize compensation, for white and Negro soldiers.
The fight for union that became also a fight for freedom never became a fight for equality or for the creation of one racial world.
36.        In 1854, Abraham Lincoln believed that ________.
A) it was practical to give equal rights to Negroes
B) Negroes should have equal rights
C) racial equality for Negroes was impossible
D) most white people would oppose giving freedom to Negroes
37.        In the 1850’s, the nation’s inclination toward racial separation was ________.
A) disregarded by Congress
B) challenged by Lincoln
C) too strong to overcome
D) based on round judgement
38.        In 1964, the White Citizens’ Councils reprinted the Peoria speech in order to ________.
A) damage Lincoln’s reputation
B) defend their own viewpoints
C) criticize Lincoln’s views on racial equality
D) defend Lincoln’s reputation
39.        From the passage, we can conclude that Lincoln ________.
A) helped Negroes fight for freedom only
B) gave Negroes equal pay
C) treated white and Negro soldiers equally
D) helped to create one racial world
40.        The purpose of the Civil War was ________.
A) to establish equality of all people
B) to maintain the union of the country
C) to do away with racial separation
D) to end racial in justice

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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

2楼2018-05-18 23:56:12
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铁虫 (职业作家)


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mg_110: 金币+20, ★★★★★最佳答案 2018-05-19 17:57:04
2楼: Originally posted by owetowet at 2018-05-18 23:56:12

38, 该是 "C" 因为前一句明说

  "... the Peoria speech would be used by those who SOUGHT to damage Lincoln’s reputation as a champion of the rights of the Negro"

  taught 不对, 该是 sought

还有 doubtless 该是 undoubtedly (更常见)
3楼2018-05-19 07:14:48
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铁杆木虫 (著名写手)

38绝对是B对。看提出问题的那句,”their views”. 前面那句和问题无关

4楼2018-05-19 08:20:19
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