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[交流] Multiple Positions for Postdocs and PhD students in 2D Materials已有2人参与

The newly established Khalifa University of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) is aiming to become a world-class, research-intensive institution, seamlessly integrating research and education to produce world leaders and critical thinkers in applied science and engineering.  The university endeavors to be a leader among research-intensive universities of the 21st century, while catalyzing the growth of Abu Dhabi and the UAE’s rapidly developing knowledge economy.

Multiple postdoc positions (3-years), at least 2 Ph.D. scholarships, and a few master student scholarships are available starting July/Fall 2018, to work on various aspects of heterogeneous two-dimensional materials for defense, environmental, and healthcare applications.  Successful candidates for postdocs should have background in (1) chemistry and/or material science, and in particular, experienced in synthesizing 2D materials (such as graphene, phosphorene, Mxene, and TMDs) or in (2) Experimental and theoretical/computational nanomechanics (molecular simulation/solid mechanics).  Salary for postdoc is around 6k+ USD/month depending on experience.  Interested parties please send CV/inquiry to:

Prof. Kin Liao
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Khalifa University of Science and Technology
Email: kin.liao@ku.ac.ae
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2楼2018-04-22 22:02:28
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