24小时热门版块排行榜     石溪大学接受考研调剂申请>

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[交流] CUHK机械与自动化系陈世祈教授课题组招光学方向博士后

PostdoctoralPosition Opening at the Chinese University of Hong Kong

MultiscalePrecision Instrumentation Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and AutomationEngineering

We have a postdoctoral position available in the area of laser physics,femtosecond laser, laser fabrication, biomedical optics. The candidate to fillthis position should have a doctoral degree in physics, electrical engineering,optical engineering, or mechanical engineering. He/she is encouraged/expectedto develop independent research programs in the 2nd year and on.

The postdoctor at CUHK will have a dual appointment at CUHK Shenzhen Research Institute as an independent PI, who can apply for grants in Shenzhen, Guangdong and China (e.g., NSFC grants).


HK$ 24,000 – 26,000 /month+ medical insurance/fringe benefits

(Salary may be raised annually based on performance.)


Prof. Shih-ChiChen  scchen@mae.cuhk.edu.hk


【征才】   诚征博士后研究员



【工作待遇】月薪港币 24,000 – 26,000 起


【方式】   陈世祈教授scchen@mae.cuhk.edu.hk


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木虫之王 (文学泰斗)

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8楼2018-04-16 22:24:56
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