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[求助] 投稿 ceramics international 的编辑返回信件已有4人参与

The above paper may be of possible technical interest. However for  submitting it to the editorial review process, English  grammar and style of the whole paper will require considerable revision efforts.

Authors should take the help of some reliable professional agency to proofread their manuscript or of a native English technical translator.

Alternatively we suggest Authors to make use of Elsevier language services:

Authors are asked to write in color any language improvement made in their revised text

Please note that you must upload editable source files for any tables and/or figures for your paper, at the same time that you upload the revised manuscript file for your paper. If your paper is accepted, the typesetter will need to have these files in order to proof your article. Please note that an editable source file is needed for your manuscript, please do NOT upload a pdf file (as the typesetter is unable to produce a proof using a pdf file).

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9楼2018-04-12 01:14:37
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