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[交流] 悉尼科技大学(UTS)应用数学所F.J. Hwang老师 招揽 博硕士与访问学者(生) (长期有效)

F.J. Hwang老师任教于澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(Times Higher Education 2018 Top 250 World Universities; QS 2018 Top 176 World Universities; QS WUR By Subject Ranking Top 150 in “Statistics and Operational Research”)理学院,主要从事作业研究、组合最优化、运筹学相关研究,研究兴趣集中于Operations Research and Industrial Optimisation, Management Information Science and Data Science, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Computational Intelligence等方面,近年来Hwang老师论文主要发表于Q1、Q2期刊,且担任多本高水平期刊固定审稿人以及相关SCI期刊客座主编。目前其研究团队尼拟扩大招收名博士研究生、双联学位博士生、硕士生、国际交换生。欢迎应用数学、统计学、最优化方法、信息管理、医疗大数据、智能物流等相关专业背景、以及对科研感兴趣的学生申请。申请读博者若有相关科研基础并有研究发表,该团队可协助申请UTS全额奖学金,成绩优异并具强烈科研兴趣即将毕业的本科生也可申请,全职博士生用功追随Hwang老师致力优质期刊研究发表,一般可保证3年内毕业。

PS:Hwang老师很年轻,有激情,very nice


Recruitment: Our team is seeking excellent students intending to pursue the Ph.D. or M.S./Honours degree in operational research and data science with the applications in industry, transportation, logistics, and healthcare. All the highly-motivated students with solid related backgrounds are welcome to contact us by sending the full CV, academic transcript(s), and expression of interest to feng-jang.hwang@uts.edu.au. The qualified students will be supported to apply for the scholarships from UTS and other sources. Students who are interested in the dual/joint doctoral degree or exchange programs via UTS’s Key Technology Partnership strategy are also perfectly welcome. (https://www.uts.edu.au/partners- ... rtnership-program-1)

澳洲学制规定:本科生申请攻读博士学位必须有bachelor's degree with first or second class honours (division 1) or an equivalent or higher qualification。

[ Last edited by navyjackal on 2018-6-16 at 13:34 ]
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新虫 (小有名气)

14楼2018-03-29 21:45:53
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