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新虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 大年初一收到了评审意见,第一次投稿,大家帮忙看看已有13人参与

主编说“Get its English edited very carefully.”是让润色的意思么?其实之前已经深度润色过了,下次改完需要把润色证明也发过去么?
Reduce the content similarity index to less than 15% with no more than 1% from a source.”是说查重后发现我文章的重复太多?同一篇期刊重复率不能超过1%?



Dear Miss Zhang,

Manuscript ID xxxxxx entitled "xxxxxxx" which you submitted to International Journal of Energy Research has been reviewed. The comments of the referee(s) are included at the bottom of this letter.

A revised version of your manuscript that takes into account the comments of the referee(s) will be reconsidered for publication.

Please note that submitting a revision of your manuscript does not guarantee eventual acceptance, and that your revision may be subject to re-review by the referee(s) before a decision is rendered.

You can upload your revised manuscript and submit it through your Author Center. Log into ?https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/er?? and enter your Author Center, where you will find your manuscript title listed under "Manuscripts with Decisions".

When submitting your revised manuscript, you will be able to respond to the comments made by the referee(s) in the space provided.? You can use this space to document any changes you make to the original manuscript.

Once again, thank you for submitting your manuscript to International Journal of Energy Research and I look forward to receiving your revision.


Prof. Ibrahim Dincer
International Journal of Energy Research

Referee(s)' Comments to Author (Please note that these comments may have been delivered to us as files. We attach a description at the bottom how to access these files.)

Reviewer: 1
This paper presents “xxxxxxx”. The manuscript is generally well organized and written. According to my opinion, this paper is accepted with major comments. The authors are suggested to address the following comments in order to meet the requirements of the Journal.
1.Define acronyms and abbreviations separately.
2.Check “Siddique A et al”?
3.Add below two references on Thermal Management and 3-D modeling in Introduction section.
* Panchal, S., Khasow, R., Dincer, I., Agelin-Chaab, M., Fraser, R., & Fowler, M., “Thermal design and simulation of mini-channel cold plate for water cooled large sized prismatic Lithium-ion battery”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol 122 (2017) 80-90.?
* Panchal, S., Dincer, I., Agelin-Chaab, M., Fraser, R., & Fowler, M., “Transient Electrochemical Heat Transfer Modeling and Experimental Validation of a Large Sized LiFePO4/Graphite Battery. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 109 ?(2017) 1239-1251??
4.It is better if the authors provide the governing equations for this model.
5.What is the purpose of selecting k-epsilon model? Why not K-Omega?
6.The authors have mentioned that K-epsilon model is used, then what about eddy viscosity?
7.What is a convergent criterion?
8.What is y+ value in this model?
9.The authors should include grid independence study for velocity and pressure. Please refer below mentioned paper for this kind of study:
Panchal, S., Khasow, R., Dincer, I., Agelin-Chaab, M., Fraser, R., & Fowler, M.,
“Numerical modeling of a prismatic battery subjected to water cooling”, Numerical Heat
Transfer, Part A: Applications, Vol (2017), Issue 6, Pages 1-12.
10.In boundary conditions, provide more parameters? Here, the authors have provided only inlet and outlet velocity and temperature, but what about other parameters. Refer above mentioned paper.
11.Can you add more explanation about Fig 8, especially 0°? It doesn’t make sense to me.
12.Conclusion is too long. Try to reduce it by mentioning only key findings of the work.
13.Check all references one more time especially with “et al”. In some references all authors and co-authors names are provided while in some references such as Ref [1] only three names are provided and then “et al” word is used. SO be consistent with the referencing. Similarly, check Ref [4, 10,11, 18,19,21, 23, 24, 25].?

Reviewer: 2

Comments to the Author
This is a generally well-written paper and subject to changes suggested below, it can be published:
1.Placing a blank space between a numerical value and its unit must be practiced throughout.
2.The nomenclature must be in alphabetic order (k is out of order).?
3.There are some similarities to another paper on Li-ion battery thermal management (?http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2013.03.050?), so this paper should be referenced.

Reviewer: 3

Comments to the Author
1. a 3D figure should be supplemented as a detailed description of figure 1.
2. line 180: the density of air was constant. I think it is better to be varied with the temperature. Moreover, the viscosity should be also varied according to the temperature.
3. line 196: All of these together reduced. The grammar could be not correct.
4. line 210: maximum temperature difference of the battery packs was up to 24 K. but Table 2 indicated it was 18.9K? which is correct? Moreover, Table 3 is not mentioned.
5. should the temperature difference be compared under the condition of same pressure drop?
6. is the temperature difference the same at other inlet air temperature? For example: the ambient temperature was 308 K.
7. line 15: Compared with the initial structure, the simulation results 16 showed that heat dissipation rates enhanced 90%, 83.3%, and 91.4%, respectively. The improvement is huge. However, what is the improvement over the present common structure?

Reviewer: 4 (EiC)
Comments to the Author
- Omit trivial information.
- Explain how the paper differs from others published in IJER.
- State specific objectives.
- Get its English edited very carefully.
- Provide up-to-date literature review.
- Provide better quality figures.
- State main findings in the conclusions.
- Reduce the content similarity index to less than 15% with no more than 1% from a source.

*** Attachment: viewing Referees comments delivered as files`***

>> Going to your International Journal of Energy Research submission site at ?https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/er?
>> Click on "Authors Center"
>> Click on "Manuscripts with Decisions"
>> In the list appearing at the bottom of the screen click on "View Decision Letter"
>> In the appearing window the referees files can be seen in the section "Files Attached" at the bottom and viewed


[ Last edited by ksang on 2018-2-16 at 22:59 ]

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3楼2018-02-16 14:30:55
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新虫 (著名写手)

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6楼2018-02-16 15:19:55
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新虫 (正式写手)

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7楼2018-02-16 15:48:54
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超级版主 (文学泰斗)

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yanhualover: 金币+1, 谢谢交流 2018-02-17 14:37:19
主编说“Get its English edited very carefully.”是让润色的意思
Reduce the content similarity index to less than 15% with no more than 1% from a source.”整体重复率不超过15%,与单一文献的重复率不能超过1%
4楼2018-02-16 14:48:47
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新虫 (正式写手)

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5楼2018-02-16 15:10:17
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8楼2018-02-16 15:51:20
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至尊木虫 (知名作家)

Biomass pretreatment, Biomass Pyrolysis and Gasification, Biochar production and application
9楼2018-02-16 16:11:16
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新虫 (著名写手)

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10楼2018-02-16 16:19:33
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