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铁虫 (正式写手)

[求助] 据稿了,第一次碰到这样的回复,是官方套话还是什么,请您指教!已有2人参与

Thank you for your interest and submission to Expert Systems With Applications (ESWA).

Kindly note that the  manuscripts first goes through a preliminary screen by the Editorial Office to see whether they should be passed to the next stage of formal and rigorous peer reviews.   Important screening criteria in ESWA include (1) fit with the mission of the ESWA, (2) significance, originality, and impact on expert and intelligent systems, and (3) likelihood of moving forward acceptance in two rounds of rigorous peer review process.  We are sorry that your paper didn't make the initial cut. The manuscript failed to meet these criteria, and was inappropriate for publication at this time.   

However, I do think it could be considered by another journal, and I would like to suggest that you take advantage of the article transfer service that "Expert Systems With Applications" is part of. This gives you the option to have your manuscript files and details transferred to another journal. This removes the need for you to resubmit and reformat your manuscript, saving you valuable time and effort during the submission process.

If you click the link below you will find relevant information about the journal(s) to which I recommend transferring your submission. You have the option to accept or decline the transfer offer from the same web page:

This offer does not constitute a guarantee that your paper will be published in the suggested Journal, but it is our hope that this arrangement will help expedite the process for promising papers.
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aygxy_lhc: 金币+3, 有帮助, 多谢了! 2018-01-14 16:03:58
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