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金虫 (正式写手)

[交流] 科研仪器英语口语每日一练——液相色谱(二)

# Daily English Learning of Analytical Instrument #

Topic:  High-Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC)-2



This is oral English of analytical instrument organized by EWG1990 English group. Welcome to lesson 5. Today we continue with the second part of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC)

Now let's begin the part 1:

☞ Vocabularies:

1. 柱老化 condition (aging) of column
2. 柱流失 column bleeding
3. 柱温箱 column oven
4. 最佳流速 optimum flow rate
5. 相对保留时间 relative retention time
6. 阳离子交换剂 cation exchanger
7. 升温速率 temperature rate
8. 峰面积 peak area
9. 死体积 dead volume
10. 流动相 mobile phase
11. 硅胶 silica gel
12. 程序升温 programmed temperature

Now let's begin the part 2:

☞ Sentences:

1. 萃取过程包括柱老化、上样、洗涤、洗脱以及柱再生等步骤。
The extraction procedure included conditioning, loading, washing, eluting and regenerating.

2. 对所建立的实验方法进行考察,各色谱峰相对保留时间的相对标准偏差RSD<0.03 %,相对峰面积的相对标准偏差RSD<5.0 %。
The established methodology was investigated and RSD of the relative retention time for each chromatographic peak was less than 0.03% and RSD of relative peak area was less than 5.0%.

3. 研究结果表明,温度变化率和温度梯度的影响不容忽视。
The results show that effects of temperature rate and its gradients are not invisible.

4. 本次实验的不确定度主要由供试品溶液峰面积的重复性测量引起的。
The uncertainty of the experiment is mainly caused by duplicated measurement of peak area of the test solution.

5. 硅胶柱色谱和凝胶柱色谱的混合利用可以提高供试品的分离纯化效果。
The co-utilization of silica gel column and gel chromatography can greatly improve the efficiency of isolation and purification.

This is the end of the class,please have a wonderful day!

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