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铁虫 (初入文坛)

[交流] 马里兰大学招18年秋季入学的CS/EE 全奖Master和Ph.D

代发全文如下(请直接联系教授 email: zt@umbc.edu

Multiple PhD positions with full financial support are now available (starting from Fall 2018) with Dr. Ting Zhu in the department of Computer Sciences and Electrical Engineering at UMBC (a Research-I university, the highest rating issued by the Carnegie Foundation).                 
Dr. Zhu is focusing on the areas of Smart Grids, big data, security, embedded systems, mobile systems, wireless and sensor networks. He has published more than 100 papers in top journals and conferences including TON, TOSN, NSDI, SenSys, MobiSys, INFOCOM, ICCPS, e-Energy, and ICNP. He received NSF CAREER award in 2017. He has served as the TPC member on top conferences including INFOCOM, ICNP, ICDCS, e-Energy, and BuildSys. He is also actively collaborating with researchers from both industry and academia. His graduated students are now working in famous companies, such as IBM and Cisco. For more information, please visit: http://www.csee.umbc.edu/~zt/
马里兰大学UMBC招 2018年秋季入学的CS/EE Master和Ph.D(硕士和博士都有全奖), 同时也欢迎国家公派留学人员。根据最新的U.S. News & World Report America’s Best Colleges指南,UMBC在进步最快的大学(Top Up-and-Coming)排名中连续6年夺得榜首。同时该校在全美本科生教育排名中(Undergraduate Teaching)与耶鲁大学并列第六位。In the annual U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges rankings, UMBC places 4th in a new ranking of "Most Innovative" national universities, joining MIT and Stanford in the top five. For quality of undergraduate teaching, the campus ranks 6th, tied with Yale and ahead of Stanford and Duke. 在普林斯顿大学出版的Princeton Review Guide的最佳366所大学的评选中UMBC大学在学生多元化(Diverse Student Populations)的评选中名列第二。卡耐基基金会将马里兰巴尔的摩分校分类到较多研究活动的研究型大学中。同时该校校长Freeman A. Hrabowski也被U.S. News &WorldReport评为2008年度全美最杰出的领导(America's Best Leaders ),是唯一一位荣膺此项荣誉的大学校长。  

在最新的2018年US News 计算机工程排名中,UMBC排第55名。具体情况参见网站如下:  
http://3g.xinquanedu.com/index.p ... mp;isappinstalled=0  

CSEE系是UMBC最大的系。目前有37 tenure-track faculty, 6 teaching faculty, and 14 research faculty. Our faculty also includes 8 IEEE Fellows, and several SPIE, AIMBE, OSA, and AAAI Fellows. Our faculty have strong collaborative ties with University of Maryland Medical School and Johns Hopkins University. We currently have over 1400 undergraduate students in two programs, Computer Science and Computer Engineering, 250 graduate students in three core programs (Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering) and 150 students in graduate cybersecurity programs.
The CSEE department has a diverse research portfolio with over $6M of research expenditures per year. Our location in the Baltimore-DC corridor puts us in the center of one of the largest concentrations of federal agencies and research and development centers as well as many industrial research labs. Our EE and CS Ph.D. programs were highly ranked by the 2010 NRC study for research productivity. UMBC is the lead institution in the NSF funded Industry & University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) named the Center for Hybrid Multicore Productivity (CHMPR) . Additionally, UMBC, along with Princeton, Johns Hopkins, Rice, Texas A&M, and CCNY is a member of an NSF Engineering research center named MIRTHE ( Mid-Infrared Technologies for Health and the Environment).
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新虫 (初入文坛)

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2楼2017-12-17 10:57:26
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新虫 (初入文坛)

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3楼2017-12-29 21:53:39
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铁杆木虫 (正式写手)


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4楼2018-01-02 16:55:12
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