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[求助] 请问下,四个量子数(主量子数,角量子数,磁量子数,和自旋量子数)的英文全称?

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至尊木虫 (著名写手)

There are a total of four quantum numbers: the principal quantum number (n), the orbital angular momentum quantum number (l), the magnetic quantum number (ml), and the electron spin quantum number (ms). The principal quantum number,?nn, describes the energy of an electron and the most probable distance of the electron from the nucleus. In other words, it refers to the size of the orbital and the energy level an electron is placed in. The number of subshells, or?ll, describes the shape of?the orbital. It can also be used to determine the number of angular nodes. The magnetic quantum number,?ml, describes the energy levels in a subshell, and?ms?refers to the spin on the electron, which can either be up or down.

2楼2017-11-16 14:33:56
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