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[交流] 澳大利亚莫纳什大学招收博士研究生 化学 材料工程方向

招收2018年入学 化学 材料工程方向 博士研究生 有全额奖学金名额!

莫纳什大学(Monash University),世界百强名校,澳大利亚顶尖学府,澳大利亚常春藤名校联盟“八大名校”(Group of Eight)之一。在最新的大学综合排名中莫纳什均进世界百强:2017/2018年度QS世界大学排名中位列第60位;2016/2017年度泰晤士(THE)世界大学排名第74位;在2017/2018年US News世界大学排名中,莫纳什大学排名在第68位。莫纳什大学位于南半球最负胜名的文化名城——墨尔本,我们的工作地点在莫纳什的clayton校区。导师所属院系:Dr. Hsin-Hui Shen, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Monash University. 导师是一位超级nice,很有想法的年轻女士,和学生就像朋友一样,组内具有良好的学术氛围,周末节假日也会一起开车出去玩耍,欢迎感兴趣的同学咨询报名!


Glaucoma is estimated to affect over 80-million people worldwide, with 7-million individuals blinded by this disease. Glaucoma is a neurodegenerative disease caused by gradual loss of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) through premature apoptosis. Current treatments do not always stop the progression of vision loss. There is an increasing need for protection of RGCs death caused by premature apoptosis. The small molecule - brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mimetic – can significantly reduce RGCs apoptosis and shows high permeability and stability. However, it is still a challenge to effectively deliver BDNF mimetic to areas of interest in retina where RGCs are undergoing apoptosis.
New class of cubic phase nanoparticles (cubosomes) conjugated with a marker of apoptosis, annexin  are able to overcome ocular-barriers and reach the posterior segment to effectively target glaucomatous optic nerve damage. This PhD student will incorporate BDNF mimetic in cubosomes that targets only RGCs undergoing apoptosis to release therapeutic quantities of BDNF mimetic in a controlled manner. The new delivery method can be used as a more effective, less-invasive and long-lasting therapeutic alternative to conventional therapies for neuroprotection. Moreover, the use of state-of-the-art synchrotron infrared microscopy will provide new insights to further our understanding of disease pathogenesis after BDNF mimetic treatment without the need of diagnostic biomarkers or fluorescent probes. This PhD student will employ synchrotron infrared microscopy to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of BDNF mimetic in cubosomes for protecting RGCs from degeneration. This research project will provide the platform to revolutionise glaucoma retreatment in Australia and worldwide.

1. 申请学生必须具有化学或材料工程科学相关硕士学位;
2. 申请学生要通过莫纳什大学语言要求:IELTS总分6.5,单项不低于6 或者TOEFL 557+, TWE 5.0;
3. 学生可在2018年3月前提交入学申请,成功入选的学生将会在2018年7月到9月间入学,入学时间也可调整。
4. 候选者可与导师通过skype进行面试交流。


How to apply: (莫纳什大学学校申请官网)

联系方式:丁同学:ella.y.ding@outlook.com 联系时请附上简历。之后我会将各位的简历整理好发送给老师,欢迎同学们咨询报名!

澳大利亚莫纳什大学招收博士研究生 化学 材料工程方向

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31楼2017-10-31 15:48:30
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