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[求助] 求助以往申请Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowships 的完成模板参考

本人最近联系国外博后,得到一西班牙得老板回复,说同意帮忙申请Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowships,自己看知道说明,看不太明白,请问有经验着提供模板参考,本人不慎感激,主要是proposal部分中的

1.2 Quality and appropriateness of the training and of the two way transfer of
knowledge between the researcher and the host
 Explain how the experienced researcher will gain new knowledge during the
fellowship at the hosting organisation(s).
 Outline the previously acquired knowledge and skills that the researcher will
transfer to the host organisation(s).
For Global Fellowships explain how the newly acquired skills and knowledge in the
Third Country will be transferred back to the host institution in Europe (the beneficiary)
during the incoming phase.
Typical training activities in Individual Fellowships may include:
 Primarily, training-through-research by the means of an individual personalised
project, under the guidance of the supervisor and other members of the research
staff of the host organisation(s)
 Hands-on training activities for developing scientific skills (new techniques,
instruments, research integrity, 'big data'/'open science') and transferrable skills
4 Literature should be listed in footnotes, font size 8 or 9. All literature references will count towards the page limit.
(entrepreneurship, proposal preparation to request funding, patent applications,
management of IPR, project management, task coordination, supervising and
monitoring, take up and exploitation of research results)
 Inter-sectoral or interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge (e.g. through
 Taking part in the research and financial management of the action
 Organisation of scientific/training/dissemination events
 Communication, outreach activities and horizontal skills
 Training dedicated to gender issue

1.4  Capacity of the researcher to reach or re-enforce a position of professional
Applicants should demonstrate how their professional experience and the proposed
research will contribute to their development as independent/mature researchers, during
the fellowship.
Please keep in mind that the fellowships will be awarded to the most talented researchers
as shown by the proposed research and their track record (Curriculum Vitae, section 4),
in relation to their level of experience.
A complete Career Development Plan should not be included in the proposal, but it is
part of implementing the action in line with the European Charter for Researchers.

2.2  Quality of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the action results

2.3. Quality of the proposed measures to communicate the action activities to different
target audiences
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