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铜虫 (著名写手)

10楼: Originally posted by 盟兮笔谈 at 2016-09-30 09:40:29
I want to live a peaceful life when follwing my heart,but I know I can't.We need to face the reality of life.We live not for myself.We live for ourselves.that's the meaning of life.

Yes ,we need care about our family numbers and we also need to create a better growing environment for our next generations, most importantly, we want to be a person with  strong will and embrace challenge when we encounter with difficulties. thank you for your answer
11楼2016-09-30 10:09:52
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铁虫 (小有名气)

Boy and girl have different way of thinking, girls like cats, if you were born in city, you would prefer to live in the city otherwise, you would choose the countryside, but the boys like dogs, we like constantly taking challanges and do something that we have never experience before, so metroplis are better choice, cause it has more opportunity.
boys may feel tired sometimes, but when we come back, a beautiful wife would open the door with simle even give me a kiss, I'll happy, and it's worth doing everything for this family.
12楼2016-10-08 22:24:03
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金虫 (小有名气)

of course i do, i hope i can own a good husband and a cute baby, we can live in the busy city to make money, as we all know, we can get so many resources-knowledge, friends, education and transportation. in the holiday, we can spend our time in our hometown. the important thing is to have a good attitude for life nomatter where u live now. hope to help.

13楼2016-10-08 23:38:27
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木虫 (正式写手)

2楼: Originally posted by 陌沫love at 2016-09-29 10:27:22
Just depends on what you want,how to live.Everyone else cannot help you to choose.

Listen to your inner voice!
14楼2016-10-09 14:03:08
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新虫 (初入文坛)

15楼2016-10-10 18:30:20
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银虫 (正式写手)

yes i do. in fact there are many other things need us to resolve before we have a peaceful and ordinary life.
16楼2016-10-15 19:05:54
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金虫 (正式写手)

I want to go home after I am rich, otherwise, I choose to live busy

17楼2016-10-15 19:27:54
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金虫 (著名写手)

When I went back home this Chinese National Day, my family members suggested me to find a job near hometown.

I don’t know if I can find a proper job there. 800 kilometers away from home and with few friends, I live alone, eat alone, and walk alone. I hope someday I can have a lovely home and there is decent meal waiting for me after a work.

But I know I am not alone. There are thousands of post-80s live a life like me. I am not ready to enjoy life. I still need to move on.
18楼2016-10-21 09:37:42
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铜虫 (著名写手)

18楼: Originally posted by ggggsahala at 2016-10-21 09:37:42
When I went back home this Chinese National Day, my family members suggested me to find a job near hometown.

I don’t know if I can find a proper job there. 800 kilometers away from home and with  ...

come on,
19楼2016-10-21 10:17:12
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金虫 (小有名气)

20楼2016-11-02 10:56:39
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