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木虫之王 (知名作家)

[资源] 2016年新著——工程师的可靠性(英文版)

"Concise Reliability for Engineers" ed. by Jaroslav Mencik
ITexLi | 2016 | ISBN: 9535122789 9789535122784 | 208 pages | PDF | 6 MB

Our life is strongly influenced by the reliability of the things we use, as well as of processes and services. Failures cause losses in the industry and society. Methods for reliability assessment and optimization are thus very important. This book explains the fundamental concepts and tools.

The book is divided into two parts.
Chapters 1 to 10 explain the basic terms and methods for the determination of reliability characteristics, which create the base for any reliability evaluation.
In the second part (Chapters 11 to 23) advanced methods are explained, such as Failure Modes and Effects Analysis and Fault Tree Analysis, Load-Resistance interference method, the Monte Carlo simulation technique, cost-based reliability optimization, reliability testing, and methods based on Bayesian approach or fuzzy logic for processing of vague information.

The book is written in a readable way and practical examples help to understand the topics. It is complemented with references and a list of standards, software and sources of information on reliability.

1 Basic Terms of Reliability
2 Probability Basics
3 Characteristics of Reliability
4 Bathtub Curve
5 Reliability of Systems
6 Time to Failure of Deteriorating Objects
7 Maintenance
8 Diagnostics
9 Failure Analysis
10 Approaches to Ensuring the Reliability and Safety
11 Weibull Distribution
12 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
13 Fault Tree Analysis and Reliability Block Diagrams
14 Load – Resistance Interference Method
15 Monte Carlo Simulation Method
16 Latin Hypercube Sampling
17 Economy of Reliability
18 Reliability Assessment with a Small Amount of Data
19 Robust Design, Sensitivity Analysis, and Tolerance Setting
20 Reliability Testing and Verification
21 Multicriterial Condition Evaluation and Fuzzy Methods
22 Bayesian Methods
23 Epilogue — Ways to Higher Reliability
24 Sources of Information on Reliability
25 Standards Related to Reliability
26 Software for Reliability Analysis2016年新著——工程师的可靠性(英文版)
ITexLi | 2016 | ISBN: 9535122789 9789535122784 | 208 pages | PDF | 6 MB

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  • 欢迎监督和反馈:小木虫仅提供交流平台,不对该内容负责。
  • 附件 1 : ConciseReliability4Engineers.pdf
  • 2016-07-08 14:18:23, 6.04 M

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