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新虫 (初入文坛)

[求助] International journal of neural systems 投稿求助已有2人参与

小妹两周前投稿international journal of neural systems, 第一次对这个期刊投稿,今天收到主编的回信如下:

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your above-referenced manuscript submitted for possible publication in the International Journal of Neural Systems. Please note that when a graduate student or a junior researcher is the co-author of a manuscript we ask the professor/advisor to submit it and be the corresponding author because he/she is in an experienced position to appreciate issues of originality, copyright assignment, and the high standard of publication of rigorously peer-reviewed research journals. Only unpublished original manuscripts will be considered for possible publication in IJNS. Submission of a manuscript implies that your manuscript or any variation of it has not been submitted elsewhere. If this manuscript is extension of your previously-published paper we ask you to send us a copy of that paper promptly so that our reviewers can determine the archival significance and scientific originality of the current submission compared with your previous publication.  For a paper published in the proceedings of a conference to be considered for possible publication in the journal it has to be extended by additional original computational materials in a substantive way (there must be additional original computational research materials with an overlap of no more than 50%). In that case you should also forward a pdf file of your published paper with complete citation so that our reviewers can determine the originality of the current submission. Addition of literature review, introductory materials, and examples will not satisfy the condition of a substantially enhanced/different paper.  

I noted you have referenced the seminal 2003 paper but you do not seem to be familiar with significant research published on EEG signal analysis (see attached file), some published in this journal. You need to review this literature and then point out the computational originality and novelty of your paper. Authors are expected to review recent issues of the journal and indicate their familiarity with the recent research published in the journal. I often choose some of the reviewers among the authors of the papers published in the journal in recent years and cited in the paper. Such authors  have filed journal’s Conscientious Reviewer form and are obligated to review papers for the journal in a timely manner. Potential reviewers who have never contributed to the journal often decline review requests or take many months to review thus delaying the review process. A senior author (not a student) should email me ALL of the following 6 items in the format requested:
1) A statement that this manuscript is your “original unpublished work and the manuscript or any variation of it has not been submitted to another publication previously.” I do not consider papers rejected by other journals.
2) The pdf file of your paper prepared in manuscript format in single-column and double-spaced for the purpose of reviewing.
3) The Word file of your paper prepared in double-column according to the attached journal template.  This will be used to determine the length of your paper as journal pages. The total size of your attachment for the purpose of review should be limited to 10 Mb. If and when your paper is accepted you can include figures with finer resolutions exceeding the 10 Mb limit.
4) The names, affiliations, and full contact information including email addresses of six to ten leading researchers who have published in the subject area of the paper outside your country/region as a Word file. They should not be your advisor, advisee, research sponsor, or research collaborator. They can include senior researchers cited in your paper. I may choose some of the reviewers among them. Please disclose potential conflicts of interest if any. It is natural to presume that any researcher knows the leading researchers in his/her field of study (they are often cited in the paper) (List A).
5) Who are, in your opinion, the top 10 researchers in the world in the subject of the paper? Please provide their names, affiliations, and email addresses. Please send it as a Word file (List B). This will indicate whether the authors are familiar with the latest development in the field and their paper extends the state-of-the-art. This list can include those the author’s advisor, advisee, research sponsor, or research collaborator.
6) The attached Conscientious Reviewer form for each author (except students) as a Word file (The journal reviewers are often chosen among contributors to the journal. This is a way to obtain thoughtful and detailed reviews in a timely fashion).

Thank you.


请问我是否需要对论文修改后,再重投吗?还是不需要修改,这里看不出来是否被拒了呢,他让我看(see attached file),都是主编的文献。
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新虫 (初入文坛)

2楼: Originally posted by ieem at 2016-04-24 08:56:41
"都是主编的文献" - 这个有点问题。。。不过你就改一下,重新上传吧。反正你还要提交很多材料。

4楼2016-04-24 11:14:08
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木虫 (文坛精英)



感谢参与,应助指数 +1
"都是主编的文献" - 这个有点问题。。。不过你就改一下,重新上传吧。反正你还要提交很多材料。
2楼2016-04-24 08:56:41
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木虫 (文坛精英)


A senior author (not a student) should email me ALL of the following 6 items in the format requested:
3楼2016-04-24 08:57:17
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新虫 (初入文坛)


楼主你好,我现在也在要投这个杂志,想请问你一下,我有三个文件需要上传,可是只能上传一个,而且上传后提示Error : No file or email given!如图,请问楼主遇到过这个问题吗?非常感谢。
International journal of neural systems 投稿求助

5楼2018-03-13 16:02:36
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