当前位置: 首页 > 有奖问答 >dwg格式转gds格式


作者 张杨翠
来源: 小木虫 300 6 举报帖子

我需要把dwg格式转换成gds格式或者Ledit格式。因为实验室设备只安装了LEDit软件,只认这两种格式,我在网上找了找,只有dwg转dxf的,实在没办法了,又着急用,故特来求助。请问各位朋友有什么办法推荐吗?非常感谢!!! 返回小木虫查看更多

  • 精华评论
  • 张杨翠


  • mac194

    gds文件转dxf  用  KLayout + AcmeCADConverter 2013


    dxf文件转gds  用  (免费试用五天版) LinkCAD

      介绍:  http://www.linkcad.com/   **
      试用版: http://www.linkcad.com/site/download  *
      永久版: http://www.linkcad.com/site/purchase   **
      援助:  http://www.linkcad.com/site/support

    * 别重蹈 http://muchong.com/t-14186920-1 的覆辙

    **嫌填实验室资料麻烦可电邮 sales@linkcad.com 索取长期全系通用执照 multi-seat license 嫌贵可问能不能按月或按使用次数计费
       实际目的是要软件公司技师在 (担心通孔/针位可能偏差, 怀疑电路板内层重叠程度) 紧急时刻免费帮忙校正

  • 张杨翠

    3楼: Originally posted by mac194 at 2021-05-25 13:25:36
    gds文件转dxf  用  KLayout + AcmeCADConverter 2013


    dxf文件转gds  用  (免费试用五天版) LinkCAD

      介绍:  http://www.linkcad ...


    “Thank you for your interest in LinkCAD.

    We are reviewing your request and one of our sales representative will send you a download link for the software by e-mail.

    Please allow up to 24 hours for processing your request. Please allow up to 24 hours for processing your request.”

  • mac194

    4楼: Originally posted by 张杨翠 at 2021-05-26 00:01:48

    “Thank you for your interest in LinkCAD.

    We are reviewing your  ...

    30+ 小时了, 收到邮件了吗 ?

  • 张杨翠

    收是收到了,但是并没有给我发download link啊,主要就是介绍业务。然后我询问download link,他回复让我点“Help"通过邮件询问技术问题。感觉他们没明白我的需求
    Thank you for your interest in LinkCAD!

    The trial software you downloaded is fully functional without limitation for
    five days after installation. We suggest you install the software when you have
    adequate time for a complete evaluation so you can confirm that LinkCAD meets
    your requirements prior to purchasing it.

    Besides the translation capabilities, we have worked hard to make it easy to
    use. We like to say 'Keep It Simple'. All you need to do is click on the "Next"
    button and have LinkCAD guide you through the conversion process. This means
    there is no learning curve to contend with.

    To keep our prices low, we market, ship and provide outstanding technical
    support via the Internet. The software you downloaded can be converted to
    purchased software by entering a license key received via email. We have options
    available that will allow you to target your specific application, and not have
    to buy features that are not needed. At the end of this message there is a short
    review of LinkCAD's capabilities and options.

    We look forward to you becoming a customer.
    LinkCAD Options:

    * LinkCAD "Basic" provides DXF, GDSII, CIF, PostScript import and export and a
      few other formats.
      Price US$ 1,000.

    * LinkCAD "Gerber" provides the ability to import and export Gerber RS-274X
      photo plotting files.
      Price US$ 250.
    * LinkCAD "View" allows the user to view the imported file. This is very
      helpful  to confirm the file is correct, especially if changes have been made,
      such as, repairing polygons.
      Price US$ 300.

    For easy technical support, go to LinkCAD's "Help" menu and select "Email
    Support". The email message to us will have a log file attached which provides
    us with the needed information to solve your problem,

  • 张杨翠

    5楼: Originally posted by mac194 at 2021-05-26 18:52:02
    30+ 小时了, 收到邮件了吗 ?...


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