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Data Analytics and Industrial Engineering--Ph. D position

作者 liuxiaodnn
来源: 小木虫 250 5 举报帖子

美国阿肯色大学工业工程系(department of industrial engineering, university of arkansas)刘潇老师团队招聘2019年秋季入学博士生(xl027@uark.edu)。申请成功者可获得全额奖学金资助, 包括每月生活费用以及免除全额学杂费。研究领域主要涉及概率、随机过程、统计学、优化以及当前大数据相关方法在工程领域的应用, 例如可靠性建模与分析, 基于数据驱动的预防性维修策略, 工业大数据, 极端环境过程建模分析等广泛应用问题。申请成功者需在工程、应用数学、计算机和应用概率统计领域拥有较好基础与浓厚兴趣, 并拥有一定程度的编程经验, 例如r, python, matlab和c++。有志在毕业后从事科研类型工作的申请者将会被优先考虑。同时, 申请者的 gre和toefl成绩需要达到学校和系里规定的要求。工程类(自控,测控,机械,电气等)、计算机、应用数学和统计方向毕业生均可申请。有兴趣的同学请直接联系刘老师 (http://industrial-engineering.ua ... 027/name/xiao-liu/)

始建于1871年, 阿肯色大学是一所位于美国中南部的公立综合性研究型大学。根据卡内基高等教育机构分类(carnegie classification of institutions of higher education),阿肯色大学同另外114所大学一起被列入全美"r1: research universities with the highest research activity"。全校共有接近三万名学生,并在建筑、农学、商科、历史、工业工程、中东研究等领域的研究在全美享有盛誉。美国前总统克林顿及前任国务卿希拉里在步入政坛前均执教于该校法学院。阿肯色大学曾经获得来自沃尔玛的山姆沃顿家族高达3亿美元的单笔捐赠,创下了有史以来美国公立大学接受捐赠的最高记录。学校所在区域同时也是世界最大零售商沃尔玛,全球最大食品供应商之一泰森食品,全美最大物流公司之一jb亨特的总部所在地。三所公司均位列世界500强,为工业工程专业毕业生创造了优秀的就业工作机会。工业工程专业现拥有20余名全职教师以及30多位在读博士生,并在2013年在全美工业工程与制造工程类专业排名名列19名。2018年工业工程排名全美32。大学所在地(fayetteville)坏境优美,四季分明,群山环抱,失业率和犯罪率处于全美最低水平。在美国福布斯杂志2016 "美国最佳商业及工作城市" 排行榜中位列全美第24。

dr. xiao liu from the department of industrial engineering, university of arkansas, is currently looking for ph. d student starting from fall 2019. successful applicant will receive full financial support including monthly stipend and tuition. research areas focus on applied probability and statistics, spatio-temporal modeling, big data analytics, and various engineering-knowledge-based data-driven methodologies in broad areas such as quality and reliability, manufacturing, preventive maintenance, urban air quality modeling, extreme weather events prediction, etc. successful applicant must demonstrate strong potential and foundation in at least one of the following areas: engineering, mathematics, statistics and computer science. gre and toefl are required. interested applicants may direct contact dr. liu (http://industrial-engineering.ua ... 027/name/xiao-liu/)

about the uark and the ie department
founded in 1871, the university of arkansas (u of a, uark, or ua) is a public land-grant, doctoral research university located in fayetteville, arkansas, united states. uark is classified by the carnegie foundation as a research university with highest research activity among 114 universities in the u.s. both the former president bill clinton, and former secretary of state hillary clinton used to teach in the university. the university ranked 63 in us public schools, and the department of industrial engineering ranked 32 in industrial/manufacturing/systems engineering programs in 2018. the university is located at the northwest of arkansas, one of the fastest growing and most dynamic regions in america. it is the home of walmart (the world's largest company by revenue), tyson food (a fortune 500 company), and j. b. hunt (one of the largest transportation companies in the united states), providing great opportunities to the students of uark. 返回小木虫查看更多

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