当前位置: 首页 > 公派出国 >大家看看我的邀请函有什么问题吗?谢谢大家了


作者 2009050389
来源: 小木虫 300 6 举报帖子

Letter of Invitation

This letter is to confirm our invitation to receive

    Mr. 名字, born 日期

present address地址, 学校 University, P. R. China,邮编

to study for a Ph. D. degree in院系, for a 42 to 48 months period starting earliest August
1st, 2012.  

A key issue of the research activities of the Unit is 专业方向
The acceptance of Mr. XXX as a Ph.D. student will depend on approval by the Ph.D.
committee of our faculty. His previous study record will be evaluated and in case some
qualifications for a Ph.D. degree in Biology at our university should be lacking, he will be
required to have those examined within the first 2 years of his Ph.D. study. (这段是问题的重点,不知道行不行啊)

Mr.XXX will be offered adequate laboratory and office space during his study and
he will have access to the information retrieval systems of the university.

His academic advisor will be Prof. 导师, Chair for 专业

The title of his research project is “研究领域“.  

It is understood that expenses for his stay and travel will be covered by a grant from the
China Scholarship Council.  A student registration fee of 220 EUR/year is levied by the University by which the student qualifies for discounts in the university refectories and for local travel. A fee of 167 EUR/month is required to partially cover costs of chemicals and consumables for his laboratory project. (他向我要一年2000欧的bench fee,不知道这样子行不)

The documentation on English language skills provided by Mr. XXX has been
considered sufficient for his study. He will be entitled to write his thesis in the English

Yours sincerely
导师的联系方式等都是有的,但是这个里面有要考试的要求,还有要交bench fee,所以我想问下,这样子的邀请函能不能通过呢?还有就是如果要导师修改,怎么样修改比较合适,麻烦大家给我出出主意啦,非常感谢。 返回小木虫查看更多

  • 精华评论
  • ts2119


  • 2009050389

    : Originally posted by ts2119 at 2011-12-18 23:09:23:


  • ts2119

    3楼: Originally posted by 2009050389 at 2011-12-19 21:51:42:

    博士的qualify exam国外都有的。费用里面只要没有学费就可以

  • covichen

    2000的bench fee 太高了吧,自己出吗,让老师出点呗,CSC 只报1000一下的,而且还只局限于英语国家

  • 2009050389

    : Originally posted by ts2119 at 2011-12-20 10:37:16:
    博士的qualify exam国外都有的。费用里面只要没有学费就可以

    哦,但是我已经写信给那个导师,让他修改下,不要提及考试和bench fee了,导师一直也没回信,既然这样子没问题就好,谢谢您啦

  • 2009050389

    : Originally posted by covichen at 2011-12-20 11:10:32:
    2000的bench fee 太高了吧,自己出吗,让老师出点呗,CSC 只报1000一下的,而且还只局限于英语国家

    这个还是我让导师降低后的bench fee了,一开始要2200的

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