当前位置: 首页 > 论文投稿 >各位大虾,刚收到专家意见Consider after Major Changes 但是 编辑直接Rejected

各位大虾,刚收到专家意见Consider after Major Changes 但是 编辑直接Rejected

作者 bb736532
来源: 小木虫 1300 26 举报帖子

在 Shock and Vibration上投了论文    专家给的是Consider after Major Changes  但是 编辑直接Rejected
This paper studies the influence of******. However, it is not insightful enough to be published. The comments are listed as follows:
1)Based on a preliminary reading, the English text is to be significantly improved and substantial editing is required before it is accepted for publication. My advice is that you have your manuscript edited by a native English speaker. Alternatively, you may use an editing service.
2)Too many Chinese language articles are cited which is not suitable for publication in an international journal.
3)With regard to the equations listed in the paper, Eqns. (1)-(3) should not be repeated with the related references, only the final results and citations are required to be written. The same case for the other equations, the authors should give the proper citation and outstand  contribution.
4)The authors cite many articles in section 2 and section 3. Which theory or equation is proposed by you? What is the function and application of them in this paper?
5)Section 4, the constitutive law of rock used in the numerical simulation should be given. How is the model setup related to  analytical solution?
6)Section 5, the application  is totally isolated from the previous analytical solution and numerical simulation. In this regard, we cannot find the usefulness of this study to support the engineering design.
请问有没有必要修改后重新投稿还是改投好 返回小木虫查看更多

  • 精华评论
  • wan201314


  • bb736532

    2楼: Originally posted by wan201314 at 2017-11-12 14:52:46

    修改意见不难  就是主编拒稿   不知道能不能重投

  • bb736532

    4楼: Originally posted by wan201314 at 2017-11-12 14:56:56

    是现在直接给编辑写信还是修改完了在cover letter里面写

  • wuweiwei_88

    我以前遇到类似问题 先跟编辑沟通能否修改后重投,一般会同意的 这就跟大修的过程类似了 你改好后 附上修改说明 新的cover letter 一般他重新送审还会送到之前的审稿人手里 但是不排除他会再找一个人来审稿 另外 投sci 怎么能引用那么多中文期刊,汉语还没有你想的那么普及啊

  • marineman


  • bb736532

    6楼: Originally posted by wuweiwei_88 at 2017-11-12 15:07:37
    我以前遇到类似问题 先跟编辑沟通能否修改后重投,一般会同意的 这就跟大修的过程类似了 你改好后 附上修改说明 新的cover letter 一般他重新送审还会送到之前的审稿人手里 但是不排除他会再找一个人来审稿 另外 投 ...

    I regret to inform you that it was found to be unsuitable for publication in Shock and Vibration. You may log in to the Manuscript Tracking System in order to read the review report(s) received for your manuscript.

    We do encourage you to revise and resubmit your paper once you have addressed the concerns and criticisms

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