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plose one 投稿注意事项

作者 dubo
来源: 小木虫 1000 20 举报帖子

摘抄了一些关于plos one 投稿的帖子,有需要的看看吧
PLOS One或SpringerPlus
1、1350美元 费率:6.0915
1350$, 貌似可以和编辑申请减免
最近投了一篇Plos One,经小修之后接收,整个过程还算顺利,这个杂志果然如传说中那样,只要问题不大基本不会拒稿,我们这个文章两个审稿人,一个意见接收,一个给出了极端意见,按意见修改一下直接返回,一个月之后编辑决定接收。
Dear Dr. or Prof. XXXX (family name of the Editor or Editor-in-Chief who issued the decisionletter),
Re: Ms# XXXX (number of the manuscript if any) – XXXX (title of the article)
I am very pleased that our paper has been accepted for publication in XXX (name of the journal).
We notice that there is a charge for the publication of the manuscript (or for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged). The publication fees (or costs for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged) appear too expensive for me at the moment. Although this project was supported by a grant from ****, but the total amount of the grant was RMBXXXX (about $XXXX). With this amount, we could just mange to conduct and complete our experiments, and thus we do not have enough funding to pay for the publication fees (or for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged).
Therefore, I am writing you to explore the possibility that the publication fees (or for printing thecolor figures, or whatever you are charged) could be reduced or even waived. However, if youhave a difficulty to offer us such a concession, we will make our every effort to meet the requirements for the publication including payment of the publication fees (or for printing the colorfigures, or whatever you are charged) since the publication of this paper in your journal is very important for us.
Thank very much for your consideration, and look forward to hearing from you soon.
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
XXXX (name of the corresponding author)
XXX (title of the corresponding author)Corresponding author

PLOS One 格式审查很严格,你这第一关就没过。修改语言后重投,通过技术审查后然后才是邀请学术编辑处理你的稿件
先是editor invited,然后是with editor,然后是under review,这是正常程序
一篇有关生态方面的文章投到了Plos ONE期刊,
2013.12.31 Submitted to journal
2014.01.02 Invited Editor
2014.01.16 With Editor
2014.01.18 (上午) Decision in Process (上午时候看到投稿状态突然由with editor,变成了decision in process,心里一阵抽搐,很难受,感觉被拒的节奏)
2014.01.18 (晚上) 打开投稿系统,发现编辑给的Major Revision。还没仔细看审稿意见,希望有个好的结果。
2014.02.08 提交修改稿
2014.02.11 Decision in Process
2014.02.11 Minor revision
2014.02.11 Resubmitted.
2014.02.13 Accept
快一个月了,状态还是editor invited
Plos one 投稿流程记录
2013.7.7给编号,Editor Invited
2013.10.4 With Editor
2013.10.8 Under Review
2013.12.10 小修
2013.12.20 返回
2013.12.25 With Editor
2014.1.14 录用
总体感觉:我的论文方向比较小众,投稿后editor invited持续了一段时间,中间还因为找不到编辑给我发了可以撤稿的邮件。感觉审稿人很认真,每个句子都认真看了,论文结构也给出了修改方案。第一审提交后,第二审依然给出了16个句子的修改。非常认真,赞一个!
投plos one 快1月了!  一直editor invited中,时间伤不起呀
前天收到编辑部email 说没找到合适的 academic  editor! 说可以撤稿,也可以推荐几个acdemic editors!
PLOS one投稿整一月,依然处于 Manuscript Submitted to Journal状态,
有篇文章投稿plos one后,前些日子变成   academic   invited 大约10天左右,昨天怎么突然又变成  editor invited  了?
plos one 你最好推荐一个和你领域相关的学术编辑 那样会快一些

2.7 推荐学术编辑(在Invited Editor之前的状态,即academic   invited)

Dear ×××:
Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “Submitted to Journal” has been lasting for more than one month since submitted to. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been handled by editor or not ?
I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments.
Thank you very much for your consideration.
Best regards!
Yours sincerely,
Corresponding author:
Name: ×××
E-mail: ××××@××××
Dear XXX,

Thank you for your submission to PLOS ONE.

I would like to take this opportunity to update you with regards to the current status of your manuscript as we are aware that it is taking longer than we anticipated for you to hear back from the peer review process of your submission.

As you know, we always strive to provide authors with decisions as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this is not always possible especially when it proves necessary to consult external referees. In regards to your manuscript PONE-XXXXXX it appears that we are waiting for three review which are currently outstanding, only one of which is late. We are aware of this delay, and are actively reminding the relevant individual.  Once all the reviews are submitted, the Academic Editor will be able to make a decision regarding your manuscript, and inform you of their decision.

We appreciate your patience, and hope you will contact us if you have any questions or queries.

Kind regards,

Katharine Heppenstall
plos one,在competing interest section里写的“The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.”
:Manuscripts must be submitted with both a full title and a short title,这个full title 和short title是什么意思啊?
short title 就是通常所说的running title,一般有字数限制,10-15个字吧。要比标题更具概括性的那种。
PLOS ONE 通知我文章要发表了,但是有一句话我不太明白,请大家帮忙,看看这句话什么意思
“We request that you please provide us with a draft of your press release prior to sending it out. Please ensure that the embargo is clearly stated, link to the live article is available in your press release http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0080400。” 是要求我再提交一遍manuscript吗???求指教啊
press release 是新闻稿的意思,可能是让你先提供一个关于你文章的简报
Dear Author,

Thank you for choosing to publish with PLOS - by now you will have received an email confirmation that your article "Mycorrhizal-mediated lower proline accumulation in Poncirus trifoliata under water deficit derives f" PONE-D-13-36039 has been accepted. Your invoice PAB91432 for this article is attached. Please let us know of any change in billing information including address changes

Thank you for publishing with PLOS and congratulations on your acceptance!


Author Billing Team

Public Library of Science
本人一篇文章投到了plos one,近期返回意见大修,已经修改完,正准备返回去。由于是第一次往这个期刊投稿,有以下几个问题想请教一下:
1. 我应该在什么时候发邮件申请版面费减免,是在文章修改完返回过去的时候就可以申请,还是说要等到录用以后才申请,或者说自己不申请,等他主动来联系你;
期刊本身有减免条件,你符合条件就减免,不符合,就很难减免;plos one 一般的回信还是很快的,很长时间不回复你,说明你的申请很难被允许
Sample Text
大家好,我在Plos One杂志上投稿一篇(8月19日),被退回来要求进行语言润色,之后再次投稿(10月10日),结果编辑告诉我要把新投稿的这个submission 撤销,然后在之前投稿(8月19日)的状态下投稿。
我不知道具体该怎么操作呀,而且在Plos One 的我的账号状态下已经不显示8月19日返回的稿件状态了
PLOS ONE.接收后收到一封邮件:
I am pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been deemed suitable for publication in PLOS ONE.
Your manuscript will now be passed on to our Production staff, who will check your files for correct formatting and completeness. After this review, they may return your manuscript to you so that you can make necessary alterations requested by the Production staff.
“In addition, now that your manuscript has been accepted, please log into EM at http://www.editorialmanager.com/pone, click the "Update My Information" link at the top of the page, and update your user information to ensure an efficient production and billing process. ”
      我给plos one 投稿的一篇文章,由于很冷门,找不到编辑,我现在不晓得应该怎样做才好?看到编辑里面有一个中国人和我的研究方向还有些类似,我应该重新指定编辑的时候,给他写封信,让他接受作为我的稿件的编辑吗?这样写他会反感吗?我应该如何写呢?


I am writing to offer an update on your submission to PLOS ONE.

Unfortunately we have had a very difficult time finding an appropriate Academic Editor to handle your manuscript.  Please accept our apologies for this delay.  We recognize that you likely chose to submit to PLOS ONE in part because you were hoping for a swift peer review process, and we are sorry we have not been able to meet your expectations.

We will continue to try to find an Academic Editor who is available to evaluate your manuscript, but we want to alert you that this will proceed more slowly than the typical PLOS ONE submission and further delays are likely.  Therefore, we also want to offer the opportunity to withdraw your paper from our submission system at this time and submit elsewhere if you prefer.  Please contact us at plosone@plos.org if you would like us to help facilitate this process.

If you have additional suggestions of potentially appropriate Academic Editors for your manuscript, please send them to us at plosone@plos.org for consideration.  A full list of our Editorial Board and editors’ areas of expertise can be found here:  http://www.plosone.org/static/edboard.

Please be aware that we may contact you again if we are unable to identify an Academic Editor for your manuscript.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best Wishes,
PLOS ONE小修已经快2个月了,还是UNDER REVIEW,期间写信询问,编辑说还在等另外一个审稿人的意见,着急啊


4、可以催的:manuscript submitted to journal
投了一篇PLOS one已经三周了,还是manuscript submitted to journal.  我还没催的情况下编辑给了我发了一邮件,内容如下
Further to our recent correspondence your Further to our recent correspondence your manuscript is still with the in-house editor. As soon as we have an update we will be in touch. We sincerely apologize for the delay; please be assured that we will come back to you as quickly as possible. is still with the in-house editor. As soon as we have an update we will be in touch. We sincerely apologize for the delay; please be assured that we will come back to you as quickly as possible.

1. 表放在文献后面
2. 图的legend放在文章最后,表的前面
3. 图片最后上传就可以了,在文章中没有必要插入进去。

6、latex模板plos one网上有的,不用自己写,只要你把内容填上就好了

7、我前两天投了一篇,现在状态是这样的Needs Approval是什么意思呢,是投上了还是没投上啊,就是要你看过系统生成的pdf后,点approve菜单项确认

8、plos one修改后的cover letter里面要添加附录说明修改内容吗:
cover letter里简要说下都做了哪些修改,详细情况放到point by point response里边
是两个文档, 一个是cover letter,一个是response to reviewers,后一个直接回答问题就可以。网上有很多模版,可以参考一下。



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    5楼: Originally posted by jy01779652 at 2014-02-23 09:17:47


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