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作者 mitchem
来源: 小木虫 600 12 举报帖子

Many thanks for your interest in our research work, and your enquiry about joining our team. Our graduate admissions system operates by first screening applicants and deciding whether they will be offered admission to the Dept. of Chemistry, and only then can students be placed into particular research groups (this is done after the student has interviewed a number of professors so as to look at the breadth of work being done in our Dept.). For me to be able to offer you a position, you would first need to be accepted into our school. To be comfortable in my team you would need to have background in modern analytical and physical chemistry, and surface chemistry, and would also have some interests in organic synthesis for creation of surface-coatings of devices.(没看懂,但是这些课全是我cv上面写的我学过的) I note from your CV that there is no mention of publications, and your role in contributions to any publications? This would be helpful to indicate your expertise and abilities.(俺就是没paper啊,刚大四毕业,真悲剧,本科时不认真做实验)。

Details of the admission process can be found at: http://www.chem.utoronto.ca/grad/programs.php. All of our new students are guaranteed annual income to a level of about $27,500, and this is based on a combination of direct support and earned income (no more than about 10 hrs/wk for about 20 wks/yr). Your language skills would need to be strong as all graduate students spend some time teaching undergraduate students - teaching is a great method to learn.(这里也很悲剧,tofel成绩还没出)

You will find that most issues about applications and expectations are addressed at the web site. The contact person is Anna Liza Villavelez, who can be reached at grad@chem.utoronto.ca.

Best wishes.


[ Last edited by mitchem on 2010-10-11 at 22:57 ] 返回小木虫查看更多

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    Originally posted by cynthia916 at 2010-10-11 23:48:56:

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