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作者 yaoxf
来源: 小木虫 250 5 举报帖子

第一句: 文章的标题“Method of measuring the manufacturing accuracy lead screw used in grating ruling engines” 怎么改好,标题貌似不能使用which,that等引导的从句,这段话大体的意思是:“光栅刻划机丝杠加工过程中加工精度的检测方法”
第二句:“The data acquisition boards provide the interfaces between the reading head of the encoder and the receiver of the interferometer and a personal computer.”这句话大体意思是data acquisition boards提供reading head of the encoder还有receiver of the interferometer 跟personal computer之间的接口. “between”用在这里貌似有点不合适,换成“among”好像也有点不太妥,请高手帮忙修改一下,在此谢过大家了...... 返回小木虫查看更多

  • 精华评论
  • befair

    第一句, 建议改为: Measuring machining accuracy of the lead screw for grating ruling engines
    1. 中文“方法”, 不必译出 (常常中译英会把研究、方法、等等译出,似有画蛇添足之嫌。比如说“关于物联网应用的研究”,就可以直接说 “Application of internet of things", 不用说"Study of ..." 或者“Research on ..."
    2. “加工”在机加工中用machining 更贴切些
    3. 用”for" 比“used in" 更简洁
    第二句, 建议改为:Data acquisition boards provide interfaces across the reading head of encoder, the receiver of interferometer and a personal computer.”
    1. "across" 比用”between", "among"都更合适些, 不是两两之间,而是跨过所有的
    2. 原译文用了多个不必要的'the", 去掉后没有损失原意,但是简洁些,

  • hk_hklee

    Method of measuring the manufacturing accuracy lead screw used in grating ruling engines”

  • hk_hklee

    Measuring method on the accuracy of the manufacturing lead screw used in grating ruling engines.

  • hk_hklee

    The data acquisition boards provide connection ports for reading head of encoder, receiver of interferometer and personal computer.

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