
小木虫论坛-学术科研互动平台 » SCI期刊点评


出版周期: Bimonthly
出版ISSN: 0921-2973
期刊主页网址: http://link.springer.com/journal/10980
在线投稿网址: https://www.editorialmanager.com/land/default.aspx
其他相关链接: Science Citation Index Expanded
Current Contents - Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences
Zoological Record
BIOSIS Previews

虫友提供资料,仅供参考( 12 人参与,18713 人阅读)

生命科学(1) 生态学(1) 群落生态学(1)
投稿录用比例: 0% (计算公式:参与点评网友投稿录用人数/总点评网友人数×100%)
审稿速度: -(非官方数据)
审稿费用: -(非官方数据)
版面费用: -(非官方数据)



#1 作者:thsboy (联系作者 | 作者点评过的期刊)   时间:2020-02-03 08:00 纠错举报

再次查看了最新的审稿速度。选择最新1期的全部文章(December 2019, Issue 12, Pages 2735-2961),统计结果如下

投稿时间 录用时间 耗时 文章名称
16-May-19 21-Oct-19 158 The Lorenz curve: a suitable framework to define satisfactory indices of landscape composition
24-Apr-19 23-Sep-19 152 Karst landscapes of China: patterns, ecosystem processes and services
17-Jan-19 5-Oct-19 261 A new framework of spatial targeting for single-species conservation planning
26-Nov-18 5-Oct-19 313 Change versus stability: are protected areas particularly pressured by global land cover change?
27-Apr-18 5-Aug-19 465 Prioritising sites for pollinators in a fragmented coastal nectar habitat network in Western Europe
12-Oct-18 23-Sep-19 346 Resource landscapes and movement strategy shape Queensland Fruit Fly population dynamics
26-Sep-18 17-Oct-19 386 Islands in the forest: effects of patch size and isolation on farmland bird species richness and community composition of farmland patches in forest landscapes
25-Oct-18 17-Oct-19 357 Post-disturbance recovery of forest cover and tree height differ with management in Central Europe
6-Mar-19 17-Oct-19 225 The risk of ignoring fear: underestimating the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on biodiversity
22-May-19 21-Oct-19 152 Influence of landscape and time of year on bat-wind turbines collision risks
27-Apr-19 17-Oct-19 173 Identifying climate refugia for 30 Australian rainforest plant species, from the last glacial maximum to 2070
10-May-19 25-Oct-19 168 Complex interactions among successional trajectories and climate govern spatial resilience after severe windstorms in central Wisconsin, USA
14-Jun-19 24-Oct-19 132 Linear downscaling from MODIS to landsat: connecting landscape composition with ecosystem functions
5-Apr-19 17-Oct-19 195 Yards increase forest connectivity in urban landscapes
15-Jul-19 4-Nov-19 112 Impact of urban greenspace spatial pattern on land surface temperature

从投稿到录用,平均时间 239.6666667 天,大约 8 个月

#2 作者:yangqi1974 (联系作者 | 作者点评过的期刊)   时间:2016-06-20 21:50 纠错举报

#3 作者:thsboy (联系作者 | 作者点评过的期刊)   时间:2016-06-20 15:26 纠错举报

审稿不快。随机选择了最新一期(Volume 31, Issue 5, June 2016)中的10篇文章,计算记得从投稿到录用,平均需要297天,约10个月

序号 投稿时间 接收时间 天数 论文题目

1 19-Feb-15 7-Nov-15 261 Response of saproxylic beetles to small-scale habitat connectivity depends on trophic levels
2 28-Jul-14 14-Nov-15 474 Habitat amount, not habitat configuration, best predicts population genetic structure in fragmented landscapes
3 8-Aug-14 11-Jan-16 521 Teaching landscape ecology: the importance of fieldoriented, inquiry-based approaches
4 4-Aug-15 10-Dec-15 128 Are landscapes more than the sum of their patches?
5 3-Apr-15 10-Dec-15 251 Diversity-disturbance relationship in forest landscapes
6 20-Mar-15 7-Nov-15 232 Patch and matrix level influences on forest birds at the rural–urban interface
7 10-Feb-15 10-Dec-15 303 Assessing landscape functional connectivity in a forest carnivore using path selection functions
8 10-Dec-14 24-Nov-15 349 Divergent effects of tropical forest fragmentation and conversion on leaf litter decomposition
9 19-May-15 22-Dec-15 217 Contiguity of landscape features pose barriers to gene flow among American marten (Martes americana) genetic clusters in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
10 2-Apr-15 24-Nov-15 236 A disturbance-induced increase in tree species diversity facilitates forest productivity

#4 作者:jogem (联系作者 | 作者点评过的期刊)   时间:2013-09-23 08:51 纠错举报

研究方向: 生命科学 生态学 群落生态学

#5 作者:dlydw (联系作者 | 作者点评过的期刊)   时间:2011-08-06 12:05 纠错举报

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